Érable argenté
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Latin name: Acer saccharinum laciniatum 'Wieri'

Origin: This tree is native to eastern North America. In Canada, it is found near the Great Lakes and along the St. Lawrence and Ottawa Rivers in Quebec, New Brunswick and Ontario. In the United States, it grows from the east of the country to northern Florida. It is found in the wild in wet valleys and along rivers and streams, enjoying wet or even flooded soils, but it can also adapt to drier areas.

Location: Town Hall forecourt      Number of trees concerned: 1

Characteristics: The silver maple owes its name to the particular colour of its foliage, which is soft green on top and silvery on the underside. These also have the particularity of being very cut. Its leafy crown branches out into several carpenter branches to give a broad, irregular top.

Family: Aceraceae

Size: Circumference: 2.28 m; Height: 19 m; Wingspan: 20 m

Parvis de la MairieRemarkable for its port
Area : Puteaux
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